Latest Meanings (144)

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meaning of machine learning

Machine learning is an area of ​​computer science that means 'machine learning'. It is part of the concept of artificial intelligence, which studies ways for machines to perform tasks...

Definition of Bipolarity

Bipolarity is the term used to refer to a person who presents a behavior with opposite characteristics in which moments of euphoria alternate with moments of depression. Bipolarity is a...

Definition of Scale Faithful

Scale Faithful is the name given to the pointer present on older scales to indicate the heavier side. Nowadays, the expression is popularly used to qualify something as decisive or reliable. THE...

Meaning of Easter Fish

The Easter Fish is one of the representations that symbolize people's life and faith in Jesus Christ. Some of Christ's apostles were fishermen and the first Christians already included fish among the...

Evolution meaning

Evolution is the feminine noun that indicates the action or effect of evolving. An evolution refers to the improvement, growth or development of an idea, system, custom or individual...

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meaning of the apocalypse

Revelation is commonly narrated as a series of prophesied episodes that will culminate in the end of the world, that is, the end of earthly life as it is currently known. Apocalypse is a word originating in...

Definition of Color Psychology

Color Psychology consists of an in-depth study of how the human brain identifies existing colors and transforms them into sensations or emotions. This is a psychological study that, along with the...

Definition of Exchange

Exchange is the act of traveling to another country and residing there for a predetermined time, with the purpose of studying, working or acquiring knowledge about the local culture. O...

Definition of Social Evolutionism

Social evolutionism is a theory of anthropology that states that every society begins primitively and evolves over time. According to this theory, every society when it starts has a way of...

meaning of burka

Burka is a traditional garment for Muslim women, especially Afghan women, which is characterized by covering the entire body, hair and face. Traditionally, burqas can be colored...

Definition of the Unified Health System (SUS)

SUS is an acronym that stands for Unified Health System, the public health system in Brazil. SUS was created by the Federal Constitution of 1988 and regulated by Law No. 8.080/90. This law defines the SUS...

Definition of Evolutionism

Evolutionism is a theory that defends the process of evolution of the species of living beings, through slow and progressive modifications according to the environment in which they live. One of the biggest names in...

Meaning of Natural Selection

Natural selection is part of the evolution process of living beings, making them capable of adapting to the environments in which they live. Initially, this mechanism was proposed by the naturalist...

meaning of Darwinism

Darwinism is the name given to the set of studies and theories of the British naturalist Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882), considered the "father of the Theory of Evolution". Darwinism, or also known as...

Meaning of Charge

Charge is a humorous illustration that involves the caricature of one or more characters, made with the aim of satirizing some current event. The term charge comes from the French "charger"...

Carlos Neto (Social Scientist)

Graduated in Social Sciences from FFLCH-USP (Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of...

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Carla Muniz (Lecturer in Literature)

Teacher, lexicographer, translator, content producer and proofreader. Degree in Letters (Portugue...

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Portuguese language (4)

Context meaningContext is the set of physical or situational elements that help the recipient of ...

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