Meaning of Male (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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male is the same as adult man, male person or yet brave, virile and respectable man.

By extension, when using the term man to refer to someone, you are automatically assigning the meaning of being this person endowed with specific qualities, such as courage, effort and virility. In short, a male would not represent a simple ordinary man, but an illustrious and exceptional individual.

According to Portuguese grammar, the feminine of male is female or virago, if the term is in its irregular form.

From another meaning, the word man can also mean the rod augmentative, that is, a large rod, usually made of metal or iron.

man in the bible

For the evangelical Christian doctrine, the word man is commonly used in the Bible to refer to the man worthy of faith and fear of God.

“Then said the man: this, yes, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh! She will be called female, because from male she was taken" (Genesis 2:23).

Varoa (female version of male) is also widely used by evangelicals as a form of treatment among members of their own religion. The sense in using these words as synonyms for "man" and "woman" is precisely to relate the quality of faithful people, devotees and believers in God.

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