Popular Meanings (259)

Tectonic plates

Plate tectonics are rock formations that cover the surface of planet Earth. The earth's crust is made up of 14 major plates and 38 minor plates. These boards are in constant and slow...

Definition of Zoning

Zoning is a concept of the urbanism area, which means zoning, that is, separating a city by specific zones, according to the activities existing in each one of them. The zoning started to get...

meaning of helenism

Hellenism, also known as the Hellenistic period, was a period of history that represented the expansion of Greek culture, also called Hellenistic culture. During this period, Greece...

meaning of county

Comarca is a term that characterizes the division of a region where there are borders, that is, where territorial divisions are the responsibility of one or more judges of law. This division is based...

Definition of Sqn and Sqs

Sqn and Sqs are the initials of the expressions “only that not” and “only that always”, widely used as slang on the internet. The expression sqn is the most common, usually appearing at the end of a sentence...

Meaning of Hide

Hiding is a verb that defines the act of hiding or covering up something, something or someone. The action of hiding something is intended not to let anyone see a certain thing, to hide a situation;...

meaning of my best

My best in the English language has the meaning of “my/my best”. My is a possessive pronoun and means mine or mine. Best means better and is superlative of the adjective good. For example: “he is...

Meaning of Daylight Savings Time

Daylight saving time is the practice of setting clocks ahead during a period of the year in order to make better use of natural light and save on electricity consumption. Due to the positioning of the...

Meaning of Legal

Legal is what is within the law, in the formal sense, or what is positive, in its colloquial use. The adjective legal has its origin in the Latin word legalis, which is related to law (from the Latin Lex)...

Definition of Infringing Embargoes

Infringing embargoes is a resource that exists in criminal proceedings. It is used by the defendant when he does not agree with a decision in the case. The infringing embargoes allow the decision to be analyzed...

Meaning of economic resources

Economic resources are the material or immaterial means used by the population in the production of goods and services to satisfy their needs. The word resource comes from the Latin recursus and...

Meaning of Post-Truth

Post-truth is the phenomenon through which public opinion reacts more to emotional appeals than to objective facts. According to this concept, the truth of the facts is put in the background when a...

Ozone layer

Ozone layer or ozonesphere is a layer formed by the ozone gas (O3) around planet Earth. This layer is located in the stratosphere and protects living beings from the ultraviolet rays emitted by...

Definition of Relativity

Relativity is the quality of what is relative, what is conditional, that is, what can or cannot be done. This term is often used to refer to scientific studies in the field of...

Definition of FM

FM is the acronym for Frequency Modulation which in Portuguese means "Frequency Modulation" and refers to the transmission of waves with frequency variation, providing good sound quality. Contrast...

Popular Meanings (28)

Definition of Ltd.Ltd. is the abbreviation for limited, a legal term that refers to the type of c...

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Latest Meanings (27)

Definition of SociopathSociopath is a word used to describe a person who suffers from sociopathy,...

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Latest Meanings (26)

Definition of ChromotherapyChromotherapy is a type of treatment that consists of using colors to ...

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