Popular Meanings (62)

Significance of the Pyramid of Maslow

The Maslow Pyramid or Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a concept created by the American psychologist Abraham H. Maslow, who determines the conditions necessary for each human being...

meaning of essence

Essence is the feminine noun with origin in the Latin essentia and which indicates the nature, substance or essential characteristic of a person or thing. It can also refer to an aroma or perfume. THE...

Definition of Dysplasia

Dysplasia is a general term used to designate the appearance of abnormalities during the development of an organ or tissue in the body, in which cell proliferation occurs that results in cells with...

Definition of Natural Resources

Natural resources are goods that are available to Man and that are used for his survival, well-being and comfort. Goods that are extracted from nature from...

what is game

Game is a term from the Latin “jocus” that means joke, play, fun. The game concept consists of a physical or intellectual activity formed by a set of rules and defines a...

meaning of true friendship

True friendship is that which exists between people, between people and animals, where one can trust the other above all else. True friendship is one that both parties care about and care for...

meaning of psychoanalysis

Psychoanalysis is a theoretical clinical branch concerned with explaining the workings of the human mind, helping to treat mental disorders and neurosis. The object of study of psychoanalysis focuses on the relationship...

meaning of fullness

Fullness means complete, full or full. It is the state of what has been done in totality, which has reached the maximum evaluation or measure. In Philosophy, the "Principle of Fullness" was studied by...

Definition of interest on arrears

Arrears interest is a percentage rate on the late payment of a bond within a specified period of time. Default interest is the penalty imposed on the debtor for the delay in fulfilling his...

Meaning of the Glasgow Scale

The Glasgow scale, also known as the Glasgow Coma Scale (ECG) is an order scale. able to measure and assess the level of consciousness of a person who has suffered a trauma...

Definition of Leniency

Leniency is the same as slowness, softness or that which is gentle and pleasant. In the legal field, leniency agreements occur when an accused participates in the investigation process of a crime...

Definition of Eschatology

Eschatology is a theory concerning the events of the end of the world and of humanity, that is, the last things that must happen before and after the extinction of life on Earth. The word eschatology, in...

Definition of Raw Material

Raw material is the substance with which the most varied goods are manufactured. It is a natural or transformed product used as a base in the industrial production process. The raw material can be of origin...

Definition of Polis

Polis means city-state. In Ancient Greece, the polis was a small territory geographically located at the highest point of the region, and whose characteristics were equivalent to a city. O...

Definition of Radiation

Radiation is a term from the field of Physics and means the propagation of energy from one point to another in space or in a material medium, with a certain speed. The energy-conducting elements determine the...

Latest Meanings (49)

Meaning of ReciprocalReciprocal means something present in a relationship between two parts, when...

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Latest Meanings (50)

meaning of egoEgo means the conscience, the “I of each one”, that is, what characterizes the pers...

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Popular Meanings (50)

Definition of GenocideGenocide means the systematic extermination of people whose main motivation...

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