Mediator is the position that a certain individual performs as an intermediary between two distinct parties, which normally oppose each other. The mediator has the role of intervening in the communication between the parties...
Koran is the holy book of Muslims, where the moral, religious and political codes of this people are specified. All followers of the Islamic religion have in the Qur'an a "handbook" which is...
Honeymoon is the period of private celebration that follows the wedding, just between the couple, without the presence of third parties, such as children or relatives. On their honeymoon, couples usually celebrate their new union...
GDP is the acronym for Gross Domestic Product, and represents the sum, in monetary values, of all final goods and services produced in a given region, during a given period. The GDP is one of the...
Jogral is currently known as a way of reciting poems or songs by a choir, alternating between singing and speaking. The jugglers are quite common as a play genre, where...
Maresia is the name given to the mist and odor that originates from the movement of ocean waves, formed by droplets of salt water. The phenomenon of salty air is common in coastal regions and is...
Gang is a term of English origin that means “gang”, in the literal translation for the Portuguese language. Gangs are groups formed by criminals and malefactors, who get together for the purpose of...
Sarau is a meeting, usually at night, with the objective of sharing cultural experiences and social interaction. Usually, a soiree is made up of a group of people who come together with the purpose...
Morpheus is the name of the Greek god of dreams. The expressions “falling in the arms of Morpheus” or “being in the arms of Morpheus” are used to wish or indicate that someone is in a deep sleep,...
Kimono means something to wear, and it is a term of Japanese origin. Kimono is the typical Japanese costume, both adults, children and seniors wear, and it can be called both the main part and the set...
Ayumi is a name of Japanese origin that can have several meanings, including "walking beauty". Ayumi is also the first name of Japanese singer and actress Ayumi Hamasaki. She is one of the singers...
Self service is an expression in English that means “own service” or “self-service”, in the free translation into Portuguese. Self service is a service system, adopted...
Reteté or Rétété is a physical manifestation practiced during religious cults, mainly those connected with neo-Pentecostal churches in Brazil. The reteté consists of demonstrations of...
Firstborn is the term used to designate the first child of a couple, also known as the eldest child, in relation to their consanguineous siblings. The eldest son is always the first...
“A picture is worth a thousand words” is a popular expression written by the Chinese philosopher Confucius, used to convey the idea of the power of communication through images. The meaning...