Meaning of Networking (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Networking is an English word that indicates the ability to establish a Network or a connection to something or someone.

This network of contacts is a support system where services and information are shared between individuals or groups that have a common interest.

networkrking and professional opportunities

Networking is a term used in the business context and refers to the exchange of information and knowledge with a network of contacts. The purpose of networking é expand opportunities for professional success, however, it must not be a unilateral action - to be effective, there must be reciprocity, that is, the benefit must be mutual.

Having a consolidated network of contacts with professionals in your area of ​​expertise or related areas is very important for you to be remembered when professional opportunities arise that require the skills that you have.

When a company needs to hire someone, for example, it often approaches its employees and asks if they know anyone in their network who can perform a certain role.

In these cases, the better the ability to networking of a person, the more likely they are to get good job opportunities.

Also know the meaning of coaching.

how to make a good networking?

A good networking it presupposes exchanges, because, when building your network of professional contacts, it is essential that, in addition to seek opportunities and benefits, you also demonstrate what you can offer positively to your contacts.

For this, it is important to know your potential partners, competitors or employers, identify their needs and interests and understand how you can help each other.

but a good networking it's not just about getting new contacts, it's also about knowing how to keep the contacts you've made in the past. Also, in the networking the quality of your contacts is more important than the quantity.

Tips for making your networking

  • Keep your social networks up to date with your professional information.
  • Participate in events and forums related to your area of ​​expertise.
  • Get back in touch with people you've met at events.
  • Show interest in others' work, ask good questions.
  • Promote your work on social networks.
  • Do not speak negatively about other professionals or competitors.

O networking it's a personal marketing tool that depends on one's social aptitude. To build a good network of contacts, it is necessary to be efficient in the context of interpersonal relationships, and that is why the networking it is often worked on in coaching.

See also the meaning of professional qualification, workaholic and personal marketing.

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