Latest Meanings (238)

meaning of jiripoca

Jiripoca is the popular name for the freshwater fish called jurupoca. In some regions it is also known as jerupoca. It is a leathery fish, with a dark coloration, ranging from brown to greenish,...

Meaning of Jiripoca will chirp

“Jiripoca vai piar” is a typically Brazilian popular expression, usually used in the sense of “harsh behavior”, “something unexpected”, “intense” or “strong”. Popularly,...

meaning of caste

Caste is a traditional, hereditary or social system of stratification, under the law and based on classifications such as race, culture, professional occupation, religion, etc. Caste in...

Definition of Kamikaze

Kamikaze is a term in Japanese that means wind of God or divine wind, in Portuguese. This word became known for being the name of a typhoon that supposedly saved Japan from being...

meaning of toil

Toil means work, read, service. It is a word from the Latin laborattor, which means read, work. Toil is a feminine noun that refers to a task that is painfully carried out,...

Definition of Philology

Philology is the science that aims to study a language through written texts. In a broader context, philology is also concerned with the literature and culture of a particular people...

meaning of maze

Maze is a noun in the English language and means “maze” in Portuguese translation. However, there are simple differences between mazes and labyrinth, even though they both mean the same...

meaning of Arianism

Arianism was originally a philosophical thought that did not consider Jesus Christ and God as one person. This idea emerged in the first centuries of Christianity, stating that it could only exist...

Definition of Opus Dei

Opus Dei (“Work of God”, in Latin) is an institution belonging to the Catholic Church, which calls itself as an evangelizing tool of the church, with the objective of sanctifying the daily work from...

Definition of Pseudonym

A pseudonym is a fictitious name used by an individual as an alternative to their legal name. Usually, pseudonyms are names invented by writers, poets, journalists, artists and other people...

Definition of Deontology

Deontology is a philosophy that is part of contemporary moral philosophy, which means science of duty and obligation. Deontology is a treatise on duties and morals. It's a theory about...

meaning of justice

Justice is the particularity of what is fair and correct, such as respect for the equality of all citizens, for example. Etymologically, this is a term that comes from the Latin justitia. It is the basic principle that...

Definition of Squadron

Squadron is the name given to a small group of military units, formed by an armed army, cavalry or police. In the military scope, the squadrons are ranked hierarchically above the...

meaning of paradigm

Paradigm is a model or pattern to follow. Etymologically, this term has its origins in the Greek paradeigma which means model or pattern, corresponding to something that will serve as a model or example to be followed...

Definition of indolent

Indolent is an adjective or noun of two genders in the Portuguese language, used to describe something or someone who does not have the capacity to feel physical pain. This term is also quite common...

Latest Meanings (100)

Definition of PolygamyPolygamy is a system where a man has more than one wife at the same time, o...

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Popular Meanings (103)

meaning of totemTotem means the sacred symbol adopted as an emblem by tribes or clans because the...

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Popular Meanings (104)

Meaning of SearaSeara means a sown field, or it can be interpreted as a reference to cereals that...

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