Latest Meanings (82)

Definition of Star of Bethlehem

Star of Bethlehem is a phenomenon registered in the Christian tradition that would have marked the birth of Jesus Christ, indicating to the Three Magi the exact location of where the promised Messiah would be. The story...

meaning of free pass

Free pass is an authorization given by an agency or institution so that a certain individual, under certain conditions, may have special rights in relation to his/her mobility. As a rule,...

Definition of Seppuku

Seppuku is the name of a traditional Japanese suicide ritual, practiced mainly by warriors and samurai. Seppuku is part of the Japanese samurai's code of honor, called Bushido...

Definition of Snooze

Snooze means nap, sleep, and is an English term. Snooze has several other meanings, they can be related to sleep, but it is also a button for alarm clocks and cell phones. Snooze occurs...

Alphabets meaning

Alphabets, also called alphabets, are forms of writing made up of a set of graphic signs that represent sound units of a language. The graphic signs that form the alphabets...

Definition of Yiddish

The Yiddish or Yiddish language is a language of Indo-European origin, belonging to the subgroup of Germanic languages, predominantly spoken by Jews from Central and Eastern Europe. Yiddish is a...

Significance of Mendel's Laws

Mendel's laws were formulated by Gregor Mendel, who for years of his life was dedicated to understanding how the characteristics of individuals are passed from generation to generation. Due to your...

Meaning of Surplus

Surplus or surplus is the positive result from the difference between what is earned (revenue) and what is spent (expense). This term is used in economics to refer to the average value...

meaning of buoyancy

Buoyancy is the force a fluid exerts on a submerged body. This force has a vertical and upward direction and corresponds to the weight of the volume of liquid that has been displaced by the object. The existence...

Probability meaning

Probability is a field of mathematics that studies the chances of an event occurring in a random experiment. Probability can be used to calculate the odds of a given outcome in the...

meaning of hang loose

Hang loose is an English expression and a body sign (made with the hands), used in a informal conversation to say that "it's ok", "everything is calm", "everything in peace" or that "the situation it is under...

Meaning of Volume Measurements

Volume measurements are measurements used to check how much volume can be occupied within an object or space. The standard volume measurement is the cubic meter (m 3 ), which is equal to 1000 liters...

5 characteristics of an anarchist person

An anarchist person defends and follows the principles of anarchism, which is a political system that opposes any and all forms of domination or authoritarianism. Anarchists are not against the organization...

Definition of crime theory

The Crime Theory is a discipline of Criminal Law that encompasses several concepts, such as crime, typical fact, unlawfulness and culpability. It is used to verify if a fact is classified as a crime foreseen in the...

meaning of the left

Left is the term used to describe a political, partisan and ideological position whose main objective is to defend the interests of social groups and egalitarianism. From the point of view...

Popular Meanings (113)

meaning of despotismDespotism is a form of government where all power is concentrated in just one...

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Popular Meanings (114)

Definition of EtiologyEtiology is a field of study aimed at researching the origin and cause of a...

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Latest Meanings (113)

Definition of capital marketThe capital market is a system formed by a set of institutions that d...

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