Industrial effluents are liquid and gaseous waste from industrial activities, that released into the environment without proper treatment have generated harmful effects on the entire biodiversity of the planet.
Gaseous industrial effluents are one of the main causes of air pollution in large cities, with the release into the atmosphere of toxic gases, mainly released by the chimneys of the factories.
The levels of emission of gases into the atmosphere were regulated by the "Kyoto Protocol", in Kyoto Conference, in 1997, with the purpose of setting limits on the emissions of these pollutant gases in the atmosphere.
The release into the atmosphere, in large quantities, of industrial effluents, along with vehicle exhaust and also with the burning of waste domestic and industrial landfills have generated phenomena such as acid rain, the hole in the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect and inversion thermal.
Air pollution by suspended particles and substances venous to man, such as sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide. nitrogen, carbon monoxide, increases and aggravates the number of respiratory diseases and infections, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma and bronchitis.
Liquid industrial effluents
Liquid industrial effluents are residues from industrial activities, which are released back into nature. These liquid residues have chemical, physical and biological characteristics that vary according to the branch of industrial activity.
Liquid industrial effluents are the result of the different manufacturing and hygiene processes of the industry itself. They are liquids impregnated with polluting substances, which must be treated and then returned to nature.
The emission of liquid effluents in nature was regulated by the "Annapolis Protocol", published in 1999, which concerns the discharge of sewage into the sea through outfalls submarines.
Industrial effluent treatment
The treatment of industrial effluents requires several techniques to remove or reduce pollutants, before disposal or reuse. Biological processes and physical-chemical processes are used. A single company can generate different types of waste that require specific treatments, which can be carried out by specialized companies.
See also
- Liquid effluents