Urbano comes from the Latin “urbanus” which means “belonging to the city”. Urban is everything that is related to life in the city and the individuals who inhabit it, as opposed to...
Corroborate is a direct transitive verb that means to attest, prove or confirm something or something. The term is widely used in legal, statistical or scientific texts. Example: "the data...
Interest is the income you get when you borrow money for a certain period. Interest is for the creditor (the one who has something to receive) a compensation for the time he will not use the...
Dragon is an animal that is represented with a snake's tail, claws and wings. It is a mythological figure present in the history of several civilizations. It's a kind of giant lizard, which releases fire through...
Overwhelming means one who overpowers, oppresses, subdues or makes a vassal. The word vassal was used in the Middle Ages, for one who depended on a Feudal Lord, to whom he was linked to a...
Condolence is a masculine plural noun that expresses a feeling of grief, pain and compassion towards a person's death. The expression "my condolences" is often said at funerals for the...
An alliance means the union between two or more entities in favor of a common goal, which can be between people, companies, societies or countries. Alliance is the name of the ring used to designate the union...
Connotation is the meaning given to a word or expression from its context. It is figurative language, a style of speaking or writing that is explored poetically as well as informally. Know more...
Body language is a form of non-verbal communication, where the body "speaks" through gestures, facial expressions and postures. Body language appeared long before verbal language, and even today...
Apartheid is an Afrikaans word meaning separation. It was the name given to the political system that was in force in South Africa and that demanded racial segregation. Apartheid was a...
Treasury means public treasury, it's a Latin term, aerarium. Treasury is the money that the Government has to administer the country, it is the set of assets, made up of financial resources,...
Harem is a word derived from the Arabic harãm, which means a group of women who inhabit and share a house, living under the rules of a polygamous marriage. This word can also designate...
Oddly is an adjective used to qualify a situation, person or behavior that is considered out of the box or exotic. An unusual behavior or situation, because it is unusual,...
Poikilocytosis is an alteration in the shape of the red blood cell (red blood cells or erythrocytes), which can present the shape of a sickle, sphere, tear, among others. Poikilocytosis characterizes...
A cyst is a benign tumor, a closed sac with liquid, semi-solid or pasty content, formed from epithelial tissue or embryonic epithelial debris. It has a slow growth and normally...