Meaning of Mutual (What it means, Concept and Definition)

Mutual is a masculine adjective that classifies something that happens reciprocally between two or more people.

This word comes from Latin mutual and means something that is reciprocal and expresses the idea of swap or swap between two parties.

Some synonyms for mutual are: corresponding, mutual, bilateral.

One mutual feeling it is a feeling that is reciprocated or that exists equally in another group or person. For example, if you tell someone "I don't like you" and they say "the feeling is mutual", that means they don't like you either.

One of the most important things in interpersonal relationships is the mutual respect, so that coexistence in society is more pleasant. Likewise, in a love relationship, one of the fundamental bases is the mutual love.

Loan agreement

Loan agreement is a concept in the legal sphere that indicates a situation where there is a loan of something fungible, that is, it can be consumed with use.

In cases where the thing that is borrowed is consumed and disappears, the person who received the borrowed thing maintains the obligation to return the same kind of thing, in the same quantity.

One of the prime examples is borrowing money. The contract that defines the terms of the money loan is known as feneratitious mutual.

The particularities of the loan agreement are established in the Brazilian Civil Code, from article 586 to 592.

Mutual and lending

Both in mutual and in lending, someone gets borrowed something. The difference is that while in the mutual case the good received is consumable, and the person must return it in the same quantity and quality; in lending, the person must return the same thing that was borrowed.

Learn more about the meaning of lending.

See too:

  • Reciprocal
  • Interpersonal relationship
  • Vice versa

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