Meaning of Burden (What they are, Concept and Definition)

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Onus means Weight, charge, an obligation that an individual has that is difficult to fulfill. Burden is a term widely used by the legal area, such as actual burden, burden of proof etc.

There is a proverb where it is said that “There is no burden without bonus”, which means that the effort put in by a person will bring some kind of reward, the obligation is difficult, but the reward will be greater.

In the area of ​​Law, liens are a type of charge, or tax, that movable or immovable things have, for example, through the force of law on other people's assets, such as pledges, mortgages. There is a certificate of real liens, which is a document issued by the notary's office, which shows the actions of the owner of the property, if he has any liens, that is, any mortgage, lien, on the property.

burden of proof

In legal terms, there is also the burden of proof, which is the obligation of an individual who alleges a fact that has occurred, to have to present evidence to continue supporting their hypotheses.

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There is also the Reversal of the burden of proof, which occurs when someone makes a claim but does not provide evidence, and forces his opponent to prove his claim wrong. For example, someone says that Santa Claus exists, and when questioned by another, he forces the questioner to prove that he doesn't exist.

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The burden of loss is the burden that arises because an individual lost a stock. The winner of a lawsuit has to pay his share of the expenses of that same lawsuit, and the burden of loss of suit means that the party who lost the case pays these expenses in part or in its totality.
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