Perspective is a word with multiple meanings and may be related to the how to analyze a given situation or object; a point of view on a situation in specific; a three-dimensional mode of representation or everything you can see in the distance.
Another definition for this term is related to the business world and the professional market (professional perspective), when the expression "perspective" takes on a denotation of expectation, hope or goals to be achieved in the future.
Example: "my outlook for the new job is optimistic" or "the prospect of the new job makes him anxious."
Perspective is also what is perceived externally, that is, the appearance or appearance of something when observed with a certain degree of detachment; it is the assumption of the appearance of something, seen from a certain angle or point of view.
Perspective in the arts
Within the visual arts, perspective is understood as a painting technique that manages to create a illusory effect on people viewing a given image from a specific angle and distance.
This technique is very present in painting from the Renaissance period, it was used to represent different depth dimensions of the same space. Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is one of the most famous examples of perspective painting. Look:
Mona Lisa - Leonardo da Vinci (1503)
In the work "The Flagellation of Christ" by Piero della Francesca, the use of perspective resources is also very clear.
The Flagellation of Christ - Piero della Francesca (1455 - 1460)
The artistic perspective, on the other hand, also means how certain characteristics of a work of art are analyzed, criticized or appreciated by the people who observe it, from points of view and opinions different.
Learn more about the meaning of Rebirth.
isometric perspective
In the isometric perspective, all comparison axes are equal, that is, they maintain the same proportions of length, width and height of the represented object.
Isometric perspective is generally applied in architectural technical drawings.
linear perspective
Linear perspective is a technique used in drawing, painting and architecture, based on the concept of three-dimensionality. It is used to give a three-dimensional effect to a design.
In this technique, the artist starts the drawing from a certain imaginary point, called vanishing Point. This point is used as a horizon line, also imaginary, and all other lines that project the design are directed to this vanishing point.
Linear perspective from a vanishing point
perspective of life
the perspective of life or Life expectancy, as it is commonly used, is the average life that a human being usually lives, the time that an individual or a group of people is expected to live.
The expression can also be related to the goals and objectives that an individual has for their future life.
Perspective in photography
Perspective is also a resource used in photography. It can be used to highlight the dimensions of a place or an object, focusing on distances, depending on the angle used by the photographer.
It can also be used to simulate situations that are not real, when different uses of perspective give the photograph an unrealistic result, such as an optical illusion.
These results can be achieved by taking advantage of the depth of field and the placement of the photographed elements in the photo composition.
Synonyms of perspective
- appearance
- hope
- horizon
- mirage
- panorama
- possibility
- View