Meaning of Interest (What it is, Concept and Definition)

interest is something that brings advantage, which can be considered useful or relevant. When it comes to prioritizing interests, it is because what matters most and is most beneficial, depending on the chosen perspective, should be put first.

You personal interests, for example, are those things that directly affect the person in question. That is why it is often said that, in politics, personal interests cannot prevail over the interests of the population. This means that the things that are advantageous and useful for the people involved in that political project are not may be more important than what is relevant to the Brazilian people, and not conflict with the same.

The word interest is also related to what stands out. Something that draws attention, that is relevant, is something of great interest.

Interest can also mean dedication, such as the interest shown by the physician in the patient.

Between the synonyms for interest are the words advantage, benefit, profit, gain, convenience, relevance, utility, and importance. When we talk about interest as a way to arouse attention, there are also the synonymous terms curiosity, desire, willingness and enthusiasm.

In English, interest is interest.

A person goldfish is the one that only relates or acts to obtain benefits. The self-seeker sees in each friend or contact an advantage to be gained, without altruism.

Interest or Interest

The correct word is interest. The written form enteresse does not exist, being just a way of speaking due to some accents in some regions of Brazil, it is not an official spelling.

Interece is also wrong, the word always being written in the form interest.

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