Meaning of Epithet (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Epithet means plus, put to the side. It is a term of Greek origin. Epithet is an expression that, associated with the noun, qualifies it as a nickname, a nickname decorating the name and distinguishing it. The epithet appears right after the name of the deity, of characters in the story, such as monarchs, saints, soldiers, among others.

famous epithets

Some famous epithets are: Rui Barbosa “the Eagle of The Hague”, Joaquim José da Silva Xavier “Tiradentes”, Jesus the “Christ”, Chacrinha “the Velho Warrior”, Simon Bolívar "Libertador", Fernando Collor de Mello – former President of Brazil - “the Hunter of the Maharajas”, Raul Seixas - singer deceased in 1989 "the Mad Beauty", Mahatma Gandhi - the founder of the modern Indian state, was called "The Great Soul" and diamonds.

Epithet in Biology

The epithet in Biology defines the species or subspecies, following the name of the genus, and when it refers to the species, it is a specific epithet. For example: passion flower incarnata. Incarnata is the epithet for passionflower as well as passionflower alata. Alata is also its epithet. In zoology the epithet will also designate the species of an animal.

Epithet in Philosophy

A Greek philosopher, who lived most of his life in Rome as a servant of Epaphroditus, who was a bloodthirsty assistant to Nero "the Incendiary," was named after Epithetus. His work for being small is not widespread. He was always concerned about happiness, and how to live a full life, possessing the best moral qualities.

Japan epithet

Okinotorishima Atoll in Japan, has a saillike appearance, is known as "Sailing Sail" and has 7.8 square kilometers of area, for the Japanese brings with its name the epithet of “the southernmost island of Japan” with a strong nationalist connotation.

epithet for lion

Ali Paxa de Tepelene, an Albanian military man, known to be a cruel and bloodthirsty murderer, having murdered his brother and imprisoned his own mother, was called with the epithet of “Lion of Janina” He became governor of the province of Rumélia, in the Ottoman Empire, which included the territories that today belong to Albania, Macedonia and Thrace.

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