voucher is a term of English origin that refers to a title, receipt or document that proves payment and entitlement to a service or a product.
In English, the verb vouch means "to certify", "to confirm", so the word voucher refers to a supporting document. Although it is written with the vowels "or", its correct pronunciation is "vautcher" or "vaucher".
Vouchers are often used as a marketing strategy by various companies, which offer discounts for customers to buy a product or service.
Voucher is a voucher, a statement that a service has been performed or an expense has been incurred, but it can also be a type of journal entry.
Voucher on Tourism and Travel Agencies
Vouchers in travel agencies and the tourism sector in general are receipts and vouchers with the customer's name and the service he is entitled to, such as hotel reservations, plane tickets, restaurants, car rental etc.
Accounting Voucher
Voucher is a document, used only abroad, that represents an intention to make a payment to an external entity, such as a supplier or service provider. To issue a voucher, you must first receive an invoice from the supplier, and then place the purchase order. This voucher will contain detailed information about the beneficiary, the monetary payment amount, a description of the transaction, etc.