Leniency is the same as slowness, softness or that which is gentle and pleasant. In the legal field, the leniency agreements occur when an accused participates in the investigation process of an economic crime.
In order to restore and correct the damage caused, the defendant who is under leniency agreement, helps the try to capture other criminals and solve the illicit act, receiving in return some benefits in your feather.
As a reward, the offender may have the public administration's punitive action extinct or a reduction from 1/3 (one third) to 2/3 (two thirds) of the penalty, as established in Law No. 12.529/11.
The leniency agreement is signed between the Secretariat for Economic Development - SDE, the Council Administrative Department of Economic Defense - CADE, and individuals or legal entities that are perpetrators of crimes within the scope economic.
Leniency agreements emerged in the United States, in 1993, with the objective of being one more tool for the violator's correctional process.
Learn more about the meaning of Leniency Agreement.
Synonyms of Leniency
- Affection
- affectivity
- Affection
- affection
- lovingness
- Heads up
- blandian
- Blandice
- tenderness
- Lendity
- Meekness
Leniency Agreement and Awarded Termination
The leniency agreement and the plea bargain are recurrent practices in criminal investigation processes.
Both consist of agreements between the person accused of an unlawful act and the respective bodies responsible for prosecuting and enforcing the law.
The accused must provide information that is pertinent to the resolution of the criminal case, in addition to indicating possible parties involved in the infraction.
The main difference between leniency agreements and winning denunciations it is in the granting of both practices: the winning denunciation is ratified by the Judiciary, with the participation of the Public Ministry; the leniency agreement is signed by administrative bodies of the Executive Branch.
Find out more about the meaning of winning statement.