Meaning of Private Law (What it is, Concept and Definition)

private law is the legal order that governs private interests.

Issues such as family patrimony and succession are matters of Private Law, which is divided between Civil Law and Business Law.

See the meaning of Legal Order.

Private Law has its origins in Roman Law, where the division between legal norms was first established of public interest, Public Law, and those that should regulate private matters, Law Private.

Today, the division between Private Law and Public Law has a didactic character, within the General Theory of Law.

know more about Public right.

Branches of private law

  • Civil right: Civil Law is the legal system that determines the rights and obligations of citizens as members of society. Its rules are, in general, established in the Civil Code.
  • Business Law: Business Law, formerly called Commercial Law establishes norms for relationships between companies, and its rules are arranged between the Civil Code, and parts of the Law Public.

See more about the meaning of Civil right.

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