Meaning of Anarchy (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Anarchy is a political theory that rejects the existence of a government. It is an ideology that is not in favor of any kind of hierarchy or imposed domination.

Contrary to what many people think, in the political context the word anarchy has nothing to do with disorder and confusion.

The concept of anarchy defends that society does have a social organization, however, it considers that it should not be imposed but agreed upon among citizens. There should not be, for example, a division by social classes nor the dominance of one group over another.

The central idea of ​​anarchy is that without the oppression of authoritarianism, society would become more fraternal and egalitarian, as a result of the efforts of each citizen.

The difference between anarchism and anarchy is very subtle. While anarchy is the theory, the idea, the concept, anarchism is the political system that applies them.

Anarchy Symbols

The main symbols of this political theory are a black flag and an "A" with a circle around it. Of the two symbols, the best known is the "A", which represents the word "anarchy", and the circle (which is actually the letter "O") and represents the word "order". Therefore, the symbol's message is "Anarchy is order".

The uniform black of the flag represents the denial of any form of oppression. This color was adopted in opposition to state flags, which are often colored.


Symbol anarchy is order

anarchy_black_flagFlag of Anarchy


Anarchism is the political system that defends anarchy and that, consequently, is in favor of individual freedom. This system opposes any and all forms of domination or authoritarianism.

There is no consensus among historians about the origin of anarchism. However, it is considered that William Godwin was one of the first people to spread anarchist ideas, through a proposal to transform the organizational form of society.

Here are some of the main ideas of anarchism:

  • defend the end of the state
  • it's totally against capitalism
  • is in favor of a social organization that dispenses with the state
  • defends the creation of institutions formed by free agreement among citizens

See more about capitalism.

Relationship between Anarchism, Communism and Socialism

Anarchism, communism and socialism are distinct political ideologies, but they have one characteristic in common: they are against the main objective of capitalism.

Capitalism consists of profit and the accumulation of wealth (through mostly proletarian work) aiming to centralize such achievements in the hands of the business owners.

The main difference between anarchist philosophy and communist and capitalist philosophies is that communism and socialism seek to change the state in favor of a fairer and more balanced reality for the proletariat, so that it too can have some power in the labor process and so that the properties are collectives.

Anarchism, on the other hand, intends for the State to be completely abolished because it understands that any form of State would amount to authoritarianism and oppression.

know more about anarchism, communism, socialism and characteristics of communism.

Top Theorists of Anarchy

Despite William Godwin and Gerard Winstanley being considered the first to have approached anarchist philosophy (17th and 18th centuries), it was in the mid-19th century that anarchy had its greatest prominence.

This happened due to the expression of four theorists who reproduced, through written form, ideas that circulated among workers. They are Max Stirner, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Michael Bakunin and Peter Kropotkin.

Meet some characteristics of an anarchist person.

Is anarchy right or left in politics?

In the political context, the terms right and left emerged in the period of the French Revolution. At that time, the most radical sat on the left rostrum and the more conservative ones on the right rostrum.

Bearing in mind that anarchy is against any form of State, any possibility of placing it in one of the political ideologies mentioned above is excluded.

Both the right and the left are represented by parties that assume power and control of the state, an idea that is totally contrary to the concept of anarchy.

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