Meaning of Social Mobility (What it is, Concept and Definition)

social mobility means the phenomenon in which an individual (or a group) that belongs to a certain social standing it transitions to another, according to the system of social stratification.

There are two types of social mobility: horizontal and vertical.

Horizontal social mobility: there is a change in position caused by generational or professional factors, but it does not imply a change in social class. Mobility takes place within the same class. For example, the case of a worker who migrates from the interior to the capital. Their social position may change, but their income level does not change much and, therefore, they remain in the same social class.

Vertical social mobility: there is a change in social class that can happen in an ascending way (from a lower to an upper class) or descending (from an upper class to a lower one).

Social mobility is a concept studied by sociology, which indicates the possibility of an individual rising in social class. Some authors claim that a stratified society is one where social mobility is not verified. In a society structured in this way, a given individual maintains his social class regardless of circumstances.

Social mobility in Brazil

Social mobility in Brazil has grown rapidly in recent decades, and according to IBGE data, from 1970 to 2000, it increased to 63%. Despite this, it is not possible to state that social mobility is synonymous with social equality. The feeling that often exists in Brazil is that the middle class is disappearing, while the upper and lower classes are growing. The big problem in Brazil is that the vast majority spend little on the social "ladder", while a small percentage spend a lot.

The current job market requires more qualified workers, which implies higher quality and more specialized education. The lack of qualification of workers acts as a brake on social mobility, because individuals low-skilled people are unemployed or cannot get jobs that allow them to reach a higher social class. high. Thus, investment in education and professional enrichment of the population is an essential factor to foster social mobility and reduce the inequality currently observed.

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