Meaning of Neoliberalism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Neoliberalism is a redefinition of classical liberalism, influenced by economic theories neoclassical and it is understood as a product of classical economic liberalism.

Neoliberalism can be a current of thought and an ideology, that is, a way of seeing and judging the social world or an organized intellectual movement, which holds meetings, conferences and congresses.

This theory, which was based on liberalism, was born in the United States of America and had as some of its main supporters Friedrich A. Hayeck and Milton Friedman.

In politics, neoliberalism is a set of capitalist political and economic ideas that defend the non-participation of the state in the economy, where there must be complete freedom of trade, to ensure economic growth and social development. parents. Neoliberal authors claim that the state is primarily responsible for anomalies in the functioning of the free market, because its large size and activity constrain agents private economic

Neoliberalism defends little government intervention in the labor market, the policy of privatizing state-owned companies, the free circulation of international capital and emphasis on globalization, the opening of the economy to the entry of multinationals, the adoption of measures against economic protectionism, the reduction of excessive taxes and taxes etc.

This economic theory proposed using the implementation of supply policies to increase productivity. They also indicated an essential way to improve the local and global economy was to reduce prices and wages.

See also: meaning of economic liberalism.

Neoliberalism in Brazil

In Brazil, Neoliberalism began to be followed openly in the two consecutive governments of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso. In this case, following neoliberalism was synonymous with the privatization of several state companies. The money obtained from these privatizations was mostly used to keep the Real (a new currency at the time) quoted at the level of the dollar.

The privatization strategy encouraged by neoliberal ideals was not followed by all countries. Unlike Brazil, China and India (countries that have shown enormous growth in recent decades) have adopted such measures in a restricted and gradual way. In these countries, investments by economic groups were made in partnership with national companies.

Neoliberalism and Globalization

The concepts of neoliberalism and globalization are linked because neoliberalism arose thanks to globalization, and more specifically to the globalization of the economy. After World War II, the increase in consumption and the advancement of production technology led society towards consumerism.

This consumer society fostered the globalization of the economy, so that capital, services and products could flow all over the world, a clear neoliberal thinking. In this way, neoliberalism opened up economic freedom ordered by the market, and on some occasions the State has to intervene in some negotiations to avoid financial imbalances.

Despite this, the neoliberal doctrine aims for economics and politics to act independently of each other, and therefore does not appreciate when there is a political intervention in the economy.

Learn more about meaning of globalization and the characteristics of globalization.

neoliberalism and education

Neoliberalism sees education in a specific way, and these are some key items in the area of ​​education: total quality, modernization of school, adaptation of teaching to the competitiveness of the international market, new vocational training, incorporation of techniques and languages of information technology and communication, opening the university to business funding, practical, utilitarian research, productivity.

It is important that, according to the neoliberal approach, education is not included in the social and political field, but is now integrated into the market. Thus, some of the economic, social, cultural and political problems addressed by education are often transformed into administrative and technical problems. A model school must be able to compete in the market. The student becomes a mere consumer of education, while the teacher becomes known as an employee trained to enable their students to integrate into the labor market.

See too:

  • liberal state
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