Government (What is it, Concept and Definition)

government is the governing authority of a nation or political unit, which aims to rule and organize society.

The size of the government will vary according to the size of the state, which can be local, regional and national.

Government is the highest instance of executive administration, generally recognized as the leadership of a state or a nation. A government can be made up of executive directors of the state or ministers.

forms of government

There are two main forms of government: the republic and the monarchy, and within these modes, there are still the systems of government, which can be: Parliamentarianism, Presidentialism, Constitutionalism or the Absolutism.

System of government cannot be confused with form of government, since form is the way in which powers are related and the system of government is the way in which political power is divided and exercised within a State.

The form of government is the way in which power is instituted in society and how the relationship between rulers and ruled works.

Within a government, there can be different types of political regimes, such as anarchism - which is when there is a lack of government - democracy, dictatorship, tyranny, oligarchy, tyranny and etc.

Nowadays, democracy is considered the most common political regime in governments and also the most demanded by the people.

Learn more about the meaning of Democracy.

Government in Brazil

In Brazil, governments are subdivided into three main categories: Federal government, the body responsible for the entire national territory; O State government, responsible for the organization of each Brazilian state; and the Municipal Governments, which are responsible for each of the municipalities in a particular way.

See also:

  • state
  • Parents
  • Nation
  • parliamentarianism
  • presidentialism
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