To explain means to detail, to make it clear, to explain with development, in detail. It is a transitive verb that refers to what will be said in an explanatory, clarifying way. The word explain has...
Legal Psychology is the field of psychology that brings together professionals who are dedicated to the interaction between psychology and law. The main function of psychologists in the field of justice is to assist in...
Demographic density or population density is a measure used by Geography to assess the distribution of population in a given territory. It indicates the number of people who...
Internet of Things is a technological concept in which all objects of everyday life would be connected to the Internet, acting in an intelligent and sensory way. Also known as IoT (Internet of Things,...
Intellectual disability is a developmental disorder that causes an individual to have a cognitive and behavioral level far below what is expected for their chronological age. People with...
Glosa, in Brazilian literature, is a type of poem normally used by poets from the Northeast of Brazil, mainly singers. Glosa is a poem with stanzas of more than ten lines, which answer...
Bite and blow is a popular expression used to refer to the behavior of a hypocritical and false person who acts incorrectly and then suddenly changes his attitude. When you say that...
JPEG is an acronym for Joint Photographics Experts Group, is a method of compressing photographic images and is also considered to be a file format. The Joint Photographics Experts Group is the...
Capitalist is the individual who lives on the income of private finance capital. This term can also be related to everything that is related to capitalism, a socioeconomic system...
Oitão means the side wall of a building or the boundary between the side walls of two houses forming an alley between them. It is also a slang word for the revolver of...
Cangaço is the name given to the armed movement of northeastern nomads that reached its peak between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. The cangaço was marked by the intensity of violent and cruel crimes in the...
KGB is the Russian acronym for Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti which in Portuguese is the State Security Committee. The KGB was the main secret service organization of the former Union...
Maresia is the name given to the mist and odor that originates from the movement of ocean waves, formed by droplets of salt water. The phenomenon of salty air is common in coastal regions and is...
Visionary is the quality of something or someone who is idealistic, who has extravagant and unusual ideas, believing they are seeing trends or concepts that are ahead of their time. A person...
Behavior is a term that characterizes any and all reactions of the individual, animal, organ or institution towards the environment in which it is inserted. It deals with the way that people or organisms...