Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by excess glucose in the blood and urine, which appears when the pancreas stops producing or reduces insulin production, or when The...
To redeem is a transitive verb that means to rescue, redeem, remove something or someone from someone else's power or domain. The act of redeeming is related to deliverance or salvation or the act that makes...
Monotheism is the doctrinal system that admits the existence of only one deity, who follows a single religion. Currently, the main monotheistic religions are Islam, Judaism and the...
Index is an organized listing of themes, subjects, words and topics that is often present in books and other documents. Indices generally provide detailed information about...
The caatinga is a Brazilian biome with a semiarid climate located in the Northeast. This biome only exists in Brazil and occupies about 840 km 2, which represents 11% of the Brazilian territory and 70% of the territory...
Fashion is the feminine noun that means a more prevalent manner or custom in a particular group at a particular time. It's a word often used to designate a way of dressing that is...
Offering is the act of offering, giving something away; an offering; the action of offering something for a certain price, at a discount. The offer is related to the availability of something or something,...
Inference is a deduction made based on information or reasoning that uses available data to reach a conclusion. Inferring is deducing a result, by logic, based on...
An oppressor is that or that which imposes force on the weakest, which causes oppression. It is an adjective for what has the capacity to oppress and a noun to designate the individual who acts with tyranny...
Dilemma is a situation, usually problematic, made up of two solutions that are contradictory to each other, but both are acceptable. When it is said that a certain person is "facing a...
Whimsy means insignificant, that has little or no relevance, or that it has the slightest importance. Irrisório is an adjective that refers to what is ridiculous, which provokes laughter, which is grotesque,...
LTE stands for Long Term Evolution (in Portuguese "Long Term Evolution") whose meaning refers to a mobile telephony technology also known as 4G (fourth generation). LTE is a standard of...
Bad is a word in the English language and means “bad” or “bad” in the Portuguese translation. In Brazil, however, bad is often used as slang, especially the expression “to be...
Urban mobility is the condition created for people to be able to move between different areas of a city. Currently, private cars and public transport are the means...
Cosplay is an English term, formed by the combination of the words custom (fantasy) and roleplay (play or interpretation). It is considered a hobby where participants dress up as characters...