Meaning of Tacit Knowledge (What it is, Concept and Definition)

tacit knowledge it is a subjective and individual model of knowledge, acquired through the experiences and experiences of each person.

The word tacit originated from the Latin tacitus, which means "silent" or "not expressed in words". Tacit knowledge is therefore difficult or impossible to explain or teach to others through traditional teaching methods.

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Because it is an individual quality or skill, tacit knowledge can only be relayed through everyday and experimental interaction, ignoring any kind of explanation formalized.

An example of tacit knowledge is riding a bicycle, as it is something that is learned only by from experience and attempt, it is unnecessary to use written or oral instructions to learn.

See also the meaning of Subjective.

Tacit knowledge can be subdivided into cognitive and technician. As a technician, it is understood all the informal skills of the call. know-how of each individual. Cognitive tacit knowledge, in turn, is basically the perception of the world created by each person over the years, their beliefs, philosophies and so on.

tacit and explicit knowledge

Unlike tacit knowledge, the explicit knowledge can be conveyed through a formatted explanation, with graphics, words, images and in an objective way.

Explicit knowledge can also be easily shared among other people, whether by data, information or models.

Tacit and explicit knowledge, although they are opposites, complete and relate to each other.

Also know the meaning of others Types of knowledge.

See too What is knowledge?

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