Meaning of Constipation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

constipation or constipation it is the delay in bowel rhythms and fecal expulsion, requiring excessive effort to evacuate. The stool becomes hardened and darkened and is eliminated in acorns.

There may also be prolonged periods between bowel movements, bloating and flatulence.

nasal constipation

Constipation can also refer to a blockage of the airways caused by mucus, such as in colds. In this case, the word constipation is often used as synonymous with cold.

Intestinal Constipation in Pregnancy

At women are more susceptible to constipation due to the female hormone progesterone, which decreases smooth muscle contraction throughout the intestine and which is responsible for peristaltic movements.

Thus, the contraction of smooth muscle fibers becomes less effective and slower, leading to constipation.

During pregnancy, there is an increase in the levels of the hormone progesterone to inhibit the contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which also ends up reducing the contraction of the smooth muscle of the intestine.

As progesterone levels increase as the pregnancy progresses, constipation tends to worsen as pregnancy progresses.

Causes of Intestinal Constipation

  • Lack of fiber in food;
  • Foods that hold the intestines;
  • Little fluid intake;
  • Hormonal factors (pregnancy, for example);
  • Changes in daily habits (caused by long trips, for example);
  • Lack of physical activities;
  • Antidepressant medications.

Intestinal Constipation Treatment

To avoid cases of constipation, it is necessary to maintain some regular habits, such as:

  • Consume more fluids;
  • Consume more fibrous foods;
  • Reduce daily stress;
  • Chew food correctly and calmly;
  • Have meals at fixed times, avoiding the uncontrolled “biological clock”;
  • Exercise regularly.

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