Definition of Allopathy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Allopathy it is a therapeutic system that aims to treat pathologies by means contrary to them, through medication with specific action on symptoms. It's called traditional medicine.

The word "allopathy" comes from the Greek terms allos = "other", "different" + pathos = "Suffering".

The term allopathy was introduced by Hahnemann in the second half of the nineteenth century, referring to any method of healing other than homeopathic. Later, it came to encompass the other medicinal practices carried out by physicians who graduated from non-homeopathic schools.

Allopathy means "cure by opposites", that is, for fever an antipyretic is used, for pain, analgesic and antibiotics against a bacterial infection. Treatment is mainly aimed at the disease, since the allopathic medicine causes an opposite effect to the pathology, improving or curing it.

The doses of the compounds used in allopathy are at the limit of toxicity, almost always with the production of some side effect. Substances act by quantity of mass (matter).

Allopathy x Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a scientific method used to treat and prevent acute and chronic diseases through non-
aggressive agents that stimulate the body to react, strengthening its natural defense mechanisms.

The method consists of administering minimal doses of the drug to the patient in order to avoid intoxication and stimulate the body's reaction.

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