Meaning of Garbage (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Garbage is everything that is no longer useful and is thrown away. It is any solid material originating from domestic and industrial work and which is disposed of.

Much of the waste that goes to waste can be reused through a process called recycling. In the recycling process, organic and inorganic waste is reused, contributing to the reduction of environmental pollution.

Organic waste is any residue of animal or vegetable origin, such as food waste, leaves, seeds, paper, etc. It is generally used in composting for the manufacture of fertilizers.

Inorganic waste is any material whose origin is not biological, such as plastics, metals, glass, etc.

Certain solid wastes, such as electronic waste, require greater control over their final destination and recycling, as they contain toxic substances. Electronic waste comes from electro-electronic equipment: computers, cell phones, televisions, refrigerators, among others.

There are solid wastes that cannot be recycled because they are considered hazardous and disease-causing. This is the case of hospital waste and nuclear waste.

Landfill is one of the final destinations for urban waste. In its conception, there is a concern with the environment. This is not the case of the well-known "dumping ground", since there is no control over the waste deposited and the decomposition of open-air waste puts the environment and health of the population living or working near them at risk. areas.

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