Meaning of Perennial (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Perennial is a two-gender adjective that means Eternal, incessant, permanent, continuous.

Originating from the Latin term perennials, which meant something that lasts all year, this word also serves to describe something that is constant, lasts many years or forever. Ex: No one will be able to separate us because our love is perennial.

According to hydrology, the word perennial designates springs from which water is born throughout the year. It can also classify a river, where a perennial river it is a river that maintains a more or less stable flow throughout the year. Even when there is drought (period of minimum flow of a water flow), a perennial river does not dry up. Most of the existing rivers in the world are perennial.

perennial plant

In the field of botany, the perennial vegetation it is the one that maintains at least part of its aerial structure every year, and bears fruit in good seasons.

In a perennial plant, the leaves do not fall off and can bloom every year or every two years.

A crop can also be annual (for example, corn, rice and wheat), and another plant needs to be cultivated after harvest. Crops known as semi-perennials can produce for about five years (such as sugar cane). Perennial crops have a much longer lifespan, which can reach more than 40 years, as in the case of coffee.

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