Meaning of Critical Sense (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Critical sense means the ability to question and analyze rationally and intelligently.. Through critical sense, man learns to seek the truth by questioning and reflecting deeply on each subject.

The word "criticism" comes from the Greek "kritikos”, which means “the ability to make judgments”. In a philosophical sense, critical thinking is about the development of a reflexive awareness based on the “I” (self-criticism) and on the world.

The awareness of each individual's social role promotes the ability to think about the truths imposed by the dominant society. Thus, someone with a sharp critical sense does not accept the imposition of any tradition, dogma or behavior without first questioning.

The ability to reflect on issues is related to the education received by each individual. There is a dominant ideology (set of beliefs, values ​​and opinions) conveyed in politics, religion, media or other groups, who try to manipulate people so that they don't question; to accept what is imposed on them without pondering or investigating the truth.

See also: the meaning of scientific knowledge.

Common sense

Common sense is a set of opinions, beliefs, traditions and ways of life that develop in a society and are part of the cultural heritage of each people. These are the traditions that pass from generation to generation and are accepted as truths, without questioning.

Learn more about the meaning of Common sense.

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