Fall of the Roman Empire: Summary and Key Factors

The fall of the Roman Empire occurs in the year of 476 d. Ç. with the removal of Emperor Romulus Augustus by Odoacer, leader of the Herule people. The end of the Roman Empire is the result of economic and political crises and barbaric invasions of Roman territory.

The term fall of the Roman Empire refers to the end of the Western Roman Empire. The eastern part of this empire, which became known as the Byzantine Empire, continued to exist, being overthrown only at the end of the medieval era.

The crisis of the Roman Empire

O Roman Empire existed between the years 27 a. Ç. and 476 d. Ç. Over the centuries, this empire conquered an immense territory, which corresponded to a large part of the European territory and parts of Asia and Africa. The main events leading to the disintegration of the Roman Empire are:

  • Crisis of the slave system.
  • Political instability.
  • Expansion of Christianity.
  • Invasion of the Germanic peoples.
fall of the roman empire - mind map

Crisis of the slave system

The extensive Roman territory - which surrounded the Mediterranean Sea - was protected by the army and was connected by roads. The Roman army, over the centuries, expanded its domain and as it conquered new peoples, it captured people to work as slaves.

From the 2nd century onwards, the Roman Empire stopped expanding its territories and, as a consequence, there was a decrease in the number of slaves. O Roman production system was dependent on slave labor and with the decrease in the supply of this workforce, an economic crisis begins.

With fewer slaves working, fewer products were produced and more expensive they became. This situation reduced trade - an important economic activity of this civilization - and as a consequence the Roman State reduced its revenue.

With less money to invest in the army, the territory's borders are weakened and become more vulnerable to foreign invasion.

Political instability

From the third century onwards, the Roman Empire began to face serious political crises in order to maintain its power. During short periods of time there were numerous succession of emperors, murders and conspiracies.

The instability faced by the Romans to administer and exercise power in the vast territory conquered during the previous centuries made it easier for people to invade the territory. foreign.

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expansion of christianity

Although Christians had suffered persecution for centuries in the Roman Empire, Christianity grew and began to threaten the power of emperors, who were considered divine authorities.

You Christians did not accept this sacred character of the emperors which caused the power of these leaders to be weakened before society.

In addition, the Christians were against slavery, which represented a threat to the Roman Empire, which had its entire production structure based on slave labor.

Invasion of the Germanic peoples (barbarian invasions)

The Germanic peoples lived in northern Europe and were called barbarians by the Romans, as their language and culture were different. These peoples were already trying to invade Roman territories and in some cases were allowed to live within the empire in exchange for joining the army and defending the Roman borders.

But from the 5th century onwards, the number of barbarians who tried to invade Roman territory increased considerably.

It is not known for sure, but it is believed that these peoples came towards the Roman Empire in search of better lands or else fleeing from the Huns. The Huns would have come from Central Asia and were extremely violent people, with a high capacity for movement in the territory.

Like political and military weakening of the Roman Empire, invasions become more and more frequent. In 410, the capital of the Roman Empire - Rome - was invaded by various peoples, including the Visigoths, Angles, Saxons, Huns and Franks. As these peoples entered Roman territory, they established their kingdoms.

The fall of Rome takes place with the destitution of Emperor Romulus Augustus by Odoacer, leader of the Herulo people, in 476 d. Ç. THE fall of the Roman Empire represents the end of the historical period of antiquity and inaugurates the Middle Ages.

fall of the roman empireAbdication of the crown of Emperor Romulus Augustus.

Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire

The fall of the Roman Empire is also called disintegration because it was the moment when the territory split in two. The Western Roman Empire fell and started the Middle Ages, but the Eastern Empire, known as Byzantine Empire, would only come to an end in 1453.

As in Rome, over the centuries, different peoples tried to invade the capital of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople. Weakened by constant attacks, the city is taken by Ottoman Turks in 1453, putting an end to the Eastern Roman Empire.

Learn more about Middle Ages, Roman Empire and features of the Roman Empire.

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