Definition of Orthodoxy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Orthodoxy is the condition of absolute compliance with all decisions, precepts and ideals of a certain standard or dogma considered traditional, rigorously and rigidly.

For orthodox thinkers, the view presented by orthodoxy is regarded as the only correct one, as it would be based on metaphysical and scientific principles.

This term is usually associated with a Christian doctrine, which is characterized by strictly following all traditional church norms.

However, orthodoxy can be interpreted from a pejorative point of view, when it becomes a doctrine or behavior that denies adaptation to the realities of others or to what is new.

economic orthodoxy

Orthodox economics is a model of economic thinking present in studies related to this science.

Economic orthodoxy is one that follows all the classical ideals and theories of economic science, applying only what follows the cataloged teachings.

The call heterodox economy, in turn, is the model of thought that is antagonistic to orthodox economics.

The heterodox are not limited only to classical and neoclassical theories, but also experiment and start from Keynesian or Marxist assumptions, for example.

orthodox church

The Orthodox Church, also known as the Eastern Orthodox Church, is considered a Christian church, as well as the Catholic, however both differ by the more rigorous, rigid and, at times, severe posture of the orthodox.

Learn more about the meaning of orthodox church.

Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy

Orthodoxy is the idea of ​​correct belief or religion, while orthopraxy is the correct practice of a belief.

Etymologically, orthopraxia originated from the junction of the terms orthos, which means "straight", and usual, which means “practice”.

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