What is Hot Tub?

hot tub it is a Hot shower, traditional in Japan, which is characterized by the immersion in a wooden bathtub suitable for the purpose (also called furô). It's a very old custom that dates back to the times of the samurai.

The traditional Japanese ofuro is made in a wooden bathtub, shorter and deeper than the Western bathtub, for the person to enjoy. of the benefits of hot water (with a temperature between 36 and 40°C), not lying down, but sitting in a fetal position and with the spine fully Underwater. Orientals believe that in this position a person regains the energy and peace he experienced in his mother's womb.

hot tub
Hot tub at PortoBay Hotels & Resorts

More than one person can use the hot tub at the same time, so it represents a very common moment of socialization among Japanese families. The objective of the hot tub is always relaxation and mental hygiene. Therefore, physical hygiene must be done before entering the hot tub.

Among the therapeutic properties of this bath stand out the fight against stress, relief of muscle pain and stimulation of blood circulation. Enriched with essential oils and rose petals, it provides even more relaxation and greater pleasure.

There is also the ofuro for babies, made in a special format and that tries to recreate an environment similar to the uterus, giving the baby a feeling of coziness and security. They are soothing baths with the aim of improving sleep or even reducing the child's colic.

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