Meaning of Control (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Control is a noun used to define the domain or power in inspect and manage certain thing; have control of the situation is master or have the power about what's going on.

The word control can be applied in multiple contexts, with similar meanings: managing, organizing or dominating something or situation.

Control is related to administration, whether of documents, products, people and so on. In this context, controlling means checking the conditions of a certain thing, analyzing it, comparing it and organizing it with other items in the same group.

Control is also the name given to the mechanism that controls electronic devices from a distance; Remote Control.

The mastery of a person's actions and actions is also a form of control; self control, personal control or control of feelings.

In computing, the control panel is a device that organizes and controls all the actions of a device, through a software installed on a computer, for example.

In the commercial scope, most commercial stores use the

inventory control as a way to manage, verify, organize and solve problems related to product shortages. With inventory control, for example, the manager of a store knows how many items came out compared to the value of the billing obtained, preventing possible fraud and theft by customers or other employees of the company. store.

In English, the control word is translated to control.

social control

Social control is an expression that emerged from sociological studies (sociology), having two main meanings:

  • social control as mediator and supervisor of administration and public policy, seeking to know if the management of public investments is being done correctly for society;
  • social control as "social order", that is, a set of methods, norms and concepts that organize a society, influencing its behavior and controlling its actions so that they are in accordance with the social standard;

Financial control

Financial control it is the organization and administration of finances. In other words, it means controlling the money that was invested, that was spent, the debts and everything related to the financial capital of a company or people.

Quality control

O quality control it is a process that a given product, service or company goes through to verify its authenticity, that is, its way of being and the level of satisfaction it can offer to its final consumer.

In Brazil, the INMETRO - National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology it is the main body responsible for inspecting and controlling the quality of products and services available in the national market.

See also the meanings of Accuracy.

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