Meaning of Fruition (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Fruition is the action of enjoying, that is, of enjoy or enjoy something, situation, opportunity and etc.

The verb to enjoy is related to the act of enjoying or taking pleasure in something.

Example: "she knew enjoy all the best moments of your life” (“she knew enjoy all the best moments of your life”).

This term is common in the legal field to express the action of taking advantage or making use of something that is rightfully yours.

The Right of Fruition or Real Right of Enjoyment, for example, is provided for in article nº 1.225 of the Brazilian Civil Code, guaranteeing the right of someone to enjoy something that belongs to another person, according to the circumstances presented.

The concept of public enjoyment, on the other hand, is used in the sense of qualifying and stimulating a physical space for the use of the general public, that is, a place for the population to enjoy.

Etymologically, the verb to enjoy originated from the Latin fruit, in rage, enjoy, which literally means “to have fun”, “to live together” or “to enjoy”.

Aesthetic fruition

Aesthetic enjoyment is the act of taking pleasure in what has an artistic format, whether for its beauty and ugliness, or by the feelings that arouse in their admirers, such as anger, sadness, joy, revolt and etc.

Learn more about the meaning of aesthetics and art.

fruition or flow

Both verbs – flow and enjoy – are very similar in writing and pronunciation, but they have completely different meanings.

Fruition (from the verb to enjoy) should be used in the sense of “enjoying something” or “having pleasure” and “enjoying”.

Already flow (from the verb to flow) has the meaning of "to flow", "to flow", "to pass the time" or "something that flows in a liquid state".

Synonyms of fruition

  • enjoy
  • Enjoyment
  • enjoyment
  • Usufruct
  • Utilization

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