Meaning of Ostrich Stomach (What it is, Concept and Definition)

The popular expression "ostrich stomach" is used to define that person who can and likes to eat a lot, Besides not having too many restrictions on what you eat.

In short, an individual with an “ostrich stomach” is the one who eats everything, without having stomach or intestinal complications afterwards.

This expression is quite common in the Portuguese language, especially among Brazilians.

Example: "My son seems to have an ostrich stomach! Eat everything I put on your plate!

The phrase arose from the observation of the ostrich's behavior in nature and the way it reacts to food offered to it.

The ostrich's stomach produces a powerful gastric juice, capable of dissolving even certain types of metals, that is, they can swallow everything and are not in a bad mood for it.

Ostrich, like other birds, have no teeth and swallow their food whole and truthfully. During an ostrich's meal, it is common for them to eat pieces of rock and stones, which end up helping to grind the food in their stomach.

Learn about the meaning and origin of other idioms such as “

elephant memory" and "crocodile tears”.

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