Meaning of Negligence (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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neglect is a feminine noun that depending on the context it can have different meanings. From the Latin “negligentia”, that expresseslack of care, inattention or laziness.

Negligence means carelessness, carelessness, lack of zeal, lack of application when performing a certain task, it is acting with irresponsibility when making a commitment.

Negligence means inattention, contempt, disdain. It is the act of depreciating, of not giving something its due value.

Negligence is also the demonstration of laziness, indolence and inertia, it is the lack of initiative.

In the legal area, neglect is the act of omitting or forgetting something that should have been said or done in order to avoid causing injury or damage to third parties.

negligence, recklessness and malpractice

Negligence is not synonymous with recklessness or malpractice. While negligence is the act of omitting oneself, acting in a sloppy, inconsiderate way, recklessness is the act of acting rashly, not being restrained or being moderate.

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Malpractice is the lack of ability to perform certain acts that require certain knowledge in the area, for example, driving without having taken a driver's license is practicing a malpractice.

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