Latest Meanings (260)

meaning of bold

Bold is an adjective from the Portuguese language and used to characterize someone who is daring, who has innovation or who is brave, brave. Boldness - the act of daring - can have a connotation...

Definition of Tertulia

Tertulia is a feminine noun and means a gathering of family or friends. It can also be classified as a collective of intimates brought together for the same purpose. Usually, the...

meaning of acquiescence

Acquiescence is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language and means an action or effect of acquiescing, that is, agreeing, consenting or approving something. The word acquiescence can be used in contexts...

meaning of frenzied

Frenético is an adjective in the Portuguese language that defines an individual who is in an extreme state of exaltation, who is restless or very agitated. The word "frantic" came from the Latin...

meaning of phishing

Phishing is an online fraud technique used by criminals in the computer world to steal bank passwords and other personal information, using them fraudulently. The phishing expression...

Definition of Fatigue

Fatigue is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language and means extreme tiredness or exhaustion, physical or mental, caused by repetitive strain or intense work. Fatigue is the inability of a...

Definition of Konichiwa

Konichiwa (こんにちは) is a Japanese expression that can mean a greeting, such as "hi", "hello" or "good afternoon". The correct form of spelling in romanized Japanese, known as " rõmanji...

Definition of Ethereal

Etéreo or Etérea is an adjective in Portuguese that means relative to the ether, which tends to be volatile or fluid. It also has a figurative meaning, referring to what is sublime, heavenly or...

Definition of Overbooking

Overbooking is an expression in English that means overbooking, which happens when the sale or booking tickets or tickets is above the number of seats actually available in the vehicle or...

Definition of Check-in

Check-in is an English word that refers to the act of checking in, opening an account, confirming presence in a place, registering or requesting the initiation of some type of process. Normally, check-in is...

Definition of Etymology

Etymology is the grammatical study of the origin and history of words, where they came from and how they evolved over the years. From the Greek etumology, etymology is concerned with finding the so-called etimos...

Definition of Abster

Abster is an intransitive verb and a pronominal verb and means the impediment from performing any activity, position, service or right; is the decision to refrain from making a decision, choice or...

Definition of Onomatopoeia

Onomatopeia is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language, belonging to the group of "word figures" and which indicates the reproduction of natural sounds or noises. Onomatopoeia is the process of formation of...

meaning of slide

Slide is an English noun that gives its name to the device that projects inanimate pictures in cinemas, televisions, conference rooms, classrooms or outdoors. In a literal sense, slide...

meaning of carte blanche

Free letter is an expression that means the total freedom to make decisions regarding a certain situation. A white card can also mean a card (from a deck, for example) of the color...

Popular Meanings (8)

meaning of LentLent is the designation of the forty-day period that precedes the main celebration...

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Philosophy and Sociology (9)

meaning of secular stateSecular state means a country or nation with a neutral position in the re...

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Philosophy and Sociology (4)

Meaning of the deductive methodDeductive method is an information analysis process that uses logi...

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