Popular Meanings (288)

Definition of Resolute

Resolute is an adjective that qualifies something that presents the condition of resolved, decided and determined in its objectives and goals. When it is said that a certain situation is in a resolute state,...

meaning of however

Although it is a word characterized as a conjunction of concession used to relate opposing thoughts. For grammar, the word although it is used to introduce a sentence...

Definition of Gazebo

Gazebo is a masculine noun in the English language that means terrace or gazebo. It is an expression frequently used in Brazil, to nominate the small terraces built in the external area of ​​the...

Definition of Rebus sic stantibus

Rebus sic stantibus is a Latin expression that can be translated as "things being like this". The expression is widely used in the area of ​​Law, having applications in Criminal Law, Civil Law...

Definition of D-Day

D-Day was the name given to the day the largest naval air operation in history was carried out, on June 6, 1944, and responsible for initiating the process that would end World War II. On this date,...

Definition of homelessness

Home abandonment is a legal concept used when one of the spouses leaves the home where the couple lived. It means leaving home, which happens by their own will (voluntarily). The concept of...

Definition of Drainage

Drainage is the action of drying something that is very wet. It usually consists of a technique for drying soil that is wet or completely submerged under water. Lymphatic drainage It is a technique...

Definition of document research

Documentary research is a type of research that uses primary sources, that is, data and information that have not yet been treated scientifically or analytically. Documentary research has objectives...

Definition of Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama is the supreme head of the Buddhist religion, residing in Tibet, the spiritual ruler of the lamas. Dalai Lama is formed by Buddhist monks, and are considered the reincarnation of God. Dalai Lama is...

Definition of Feminazi

Feminazi is a term originated from the junction of “feminist” and “Nazi”, used pejoratively to describe the extreme or radical behavior of women who fight for equal rights...

meaning of inhuman

Inhuman is an adjective that means cruel, perverse or inhumane. It is the opposite of the meaning used for human, in the sense of generous or charitable. Inhumanity is pointed out as a characteristic...

Definition of Bar Mitzvah

Bar-Mitzvah means “son of the law” or “son of the commandment” in Hebrew. It consists of granting religious majority to young Jews, being considered the most important ceremony in the life of a...

Definition of WWF

WWF stands for World Wide Fund for Nature, which stands for World Wide Fund for Wildlife and Nature, is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) with the objective of conserving, investigate and...

Definition of MP3

MP3 is short for MPEG Layer 3, a digital audio compression format that minimizes quality loss in songs or other audio files played on your computer or device...

Definition of Oosphere

Oosphere is a female sex cell that makes up the plant egg. To originate the plant embryo, there is a fusion of the oosphere with one of the pollen grain generator nuclei during fertilization. You...

Popular Expressions (15)

Definition of Breaking the IceBreaking the ice is an expression used to get two people who are qu...

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Expressions in English (12)

Definition of EasyEasy is an English word whose Portuguese translation is "easy". Most of the tim...

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Rosimar Gouveia (Mathematics and Physics Teacher)

She started her professional career at age 16 as an tutor, an activity that she performed until f...

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