Popular Expressions (10)

Meaning of Taking the Horse out of the Rain

"Take the horse out of the rain" or "Take the horse out of the rain" is a popular expression in Portuguese, which means giving up something, abandoning pretensions, losing illusions. When someone uses the...

meaning of spat and spit

Spit and spit is a popular expression in the Portuguese language, used to describe two people who are identical or very similar physically. Many believe that the expression "spit and spit" is...

Meaning of Speak Through Your Elbows

Talking through your elbows is a popular expression in the Portuguese language and means talking too much, chattering. The equivalent of the expression "to speak for the cotevelos" in English would be "talk nineteen to the dozen"...

Definition of Shavings

Sauce barbs is a popular expression in the Portuguese language. The complete expression is "to soak the beards" or "to soak the beards" and it means that the person in question must be patient,...

meaning of swan song

Swan song is a popular metaphorical expression that serves to describe a person's most important achievements. This expression, which is a figurative phrase, came from a belief in...

Definition of Gilding the Pill

Gilding the pill is an idiomatic expression of the Portuguese language and means presenting something difficult or unpleasant as something softer and easier to accept. It is possible to say that the...

Definition of Lynx Eyes

Lynx eyes is an expression in Portuguese that is used to describe someone who has an above average, very good vision. The expression lynx eyes is a compliment to a person's visual ability: He...

Definition of Patavinas

Patavinas is a word in the Portuguese language, normally used in the expression "I don't understand patavinas" and means "nothing" or "nothing". The word "patavinas" is used to describe someone who has...

Meaning of Watching Ships

Watching ships is a popular expression in the Portuguese language that means being deceived, deceived, seeing your expectations frustrated and being disillusioned. An equivalent expression in English would be...

Meaning of Mother Joan's House

Casa da Mãe Joana is a popular expression that means "the place where everyone commands", without organization, where everyone does what they want. For example: "Get your shoes off my couch! What is...

Definition of Achilles Heel

Achilles' heel is a popular expression that means someone's weakness and conveys the idea of ​​weakness and vulnerability. It is the point where a person feels more fragile, not having domain...

Meaning of Each monkey on its branch

Each monkey on its branch is a popular expression which means that each person should only care about what concerns them. The expression means that people must recognize their place,...

Definition of Nhac

Nhac is an onomatopoeia created to represent the sound produced by the process of chewing or biting food. The process of forming words or phonemes whose...

Definition of Strand

Shed is something that pours, that spills. The meaning is usually applied to watershed. A watershed is any surface with a certain inclination that allows water to flow...

meaning of devil's advocate

Devil's advocate (in Latin advocatus diaboli) is an expression originally used by the Church Catholic to designate the lawyer whose mission was to present evidence impeding the admission of a...

Latest Meanings (296)

Meaning of ContemporaryContemporary is an adjective that refers to what is from the same time, wh...

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Popular Meanings (300)

meaning of sushiSushi is a delicacy of Japanese origin, characterized by being made from seasoned...

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Popular Meanings (301)

Meaning of the Flag of PortugalThe flag of Portugal is one of the national symbols of the Portugu...

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