Meaning of Nepotism (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Nepotism is a term used to designate the favoring relatives or close friends to the detriment of more qualified people, generally with regard to appointment or elevation of public and political positions.

Etymologically, this term originated from the Latin nepos, which literally means "grandson" or "downward”.

Originally, the word was used exclusively in the context of the Pope's relations with his relatives.

For this reason, the dictionary Houaiss identifies a nepote as "nephew of the high pontiff" or "papal adviser."

Currently, this term is used as a synonym for granting privileges or positions to relatives in the civil service.

Nepotism is different from favoritism, as favoritism does not imply family relationships with the favored person.

Nepotism occurs when an employee is promoted for having family relationships or ties with the one who promotes him, even if there are more qualified and more deserving people for the position.

Another example of nepotism is when someone is accused of making a name for themselves at the expense of an already famous relative, usually the father, mother, or uncle or grandfather.

For example, a governor who chooses several family members for his team is certainly practicing nepotism. There are several clear cases in Brazil.

It is important to mention that nepotism does not constitute a criminal act. However, when nepotism is intentionally practiced, the public servant will be subject to an action civil public for committing administrative misconduct (which is indeed a crime) for the practice of nepotism.

If this action is confirmed, the public servant may have to fully reimburse the public damage caused and may also lose his office and political rights for a period of three to five years old.

Nepotism is an affront to the professionalization of management, because someone with political power is unlikely to impartially evaluate the work of a person who belongs to their family.

cross nepotism

There is also the so-called crossed nepotism, which is the exchange of relatives between public agents so that they can be hired directly, without the need to be approved in a public tender.

Cross nepotism can also be adjustment through reciprocal designations. For example, when a public manager promotes or hires the relative of another accomplice public manager, and he should, as a thank you, hire or promote a close relative of the manager who helped.

Cross nepotism is more difficult to detect, but it is still framed as a major impediment to building a healthy public administration.

law of nepotism

Article 37 of the Federal Constitution states that the hiring of employees for public positions must comply with the principles of legality, impersonality, morality, publicity and efficiency.

This article then reveals that nepotism is an unconstitutional practice. However, some municipalities may create certain laws to prevent the act of nepotism.

The Federal Supreme Court also has the 13th Binding Precedent, approved on August 21, 2008, where nepotism is prohibited in the Three Powers, within the scope of the Union, states and municipalities. This docket also provides for and prohibits cross nepotism.

On June 4, 2010, former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva issued federal decree nº 7.203, which reveals the impediment of nepotism in the scope of the federal public administration.

See also the meanings of Bureaucracy it's from Degree of kinship.

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