Meaning of Inert (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Inert is characteristic of what or who it has no movement.

Inert comes from inertia, and the adjective corresponds to the fact of having or causing inertia, that is, the state of rest or lack of movement that only changes through the action of some external force.

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For example, when one says that someone was inert, it means that he was still, he didn't move. As in the phrase: "When he saw her, he stopped and just stood there, motionless, unresponsive."

In a figurative sense, the inert can be understood as one who is without the will or strength to change. Someone down or depressed. It is understood this way when it is said that "her recent losses have left her inert in the face of life".

An object can also be inert when it is immobile, when it is not possible to move. "It was just a stone, an inert object."

Some synonyms for inert are: immobile, still and static. Antonyms of inert are: dynamic or active.

In Chemistry there is the concept of inert materials, which are those that do not chemically react. One example is noble gases.

inert waste

O inert waste, or the inert waste, are those remains that do not undergo transformations for a long time after being discarded. As an example, we have the remains of civil construction, such as debris.

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