Meaning of Lie (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Lie is the assertion of something known or suspected to be false; not telling the truth or denying knowledge about something that is true. the lie is the act of lying, trick, deceive or deceive.

The term "lie" is used as an opposition to what is true, that is, a lie is the antonym of the truth. A person used to lying is called a liar, and this adjective has a pejorative connotation.

Telling a lie is to say something that is not true to someone, with the intention that that person will believe. lying is synonymous with trick, in addition to being one of the actions practiced by those who have malicious intentions in relation to the other. For these reasons, lying is considered an immoral or criminal act.

The lie is present daily in the life of every human being, who lives socially. Lies can be classified into different levels, from "harmless lies", which have a purpose. from benevolent, to lies that are intended to harm another person's life, out of revenge or sheer malice.

However, excessive or compulsive lying can be a sign of a psychological disorder called mythomania.

Usually, a lie is born out of the liar's need to gain some benefit or get rid of some situation that bothers him. O compulsive liar, in turn, has no purpose in lying, doing so even when not under social pressure. O mitomaniac uses the lie as a tool of consolation, because that way he feels more satisfied and calm with himself, masking his anxieties.

In the religious sphere, lying is considered a divine sin, being related to what is bad, evil or unworthy. In Christian doctrine, for example, the lie is represented by the figure of the devil, considered the "father of lies" for Christians.

Among the most used synonyms for the word "lie" are: embair, deceive, deceive, deceive, deceive and deceive.

Lie has short legs

The famous popular expression "a lie has a short leg" means that every lie, sooner or later, is discovered.

This expression serves as a lesson to children that telling lies is not worth it.

April Fools' Day

O April Fools' Day is celebrated worldwide in April 1st.

On this date, people often tell lies or set up false situations to deceive friends, family and people they know in order to have fun.

There are many assumptions about how April Fool's Day came about, but the most widely accepted is that the game started in France in the mid-sixteenth century.

According to history, until the year 1564 the New Year was celebrated on the 25th of March, and the festivals lasted until the 1st of April. With the establishment of the Gregorian calendar by King Charles IX, the New Year was celebrated on January 1st. However, many people continued to celebrate the entry of the new year on the old date (March 25th to April 1st).

So, people began to ridicule those who continued to celebrate April 1st as New Year, because they were celebrating something that wasn't true.

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