Meaning of RIP (What it is, Concept and Definition)

RIP, or R.I.P, is the acronym for "Requiescat in pace" latin expression that means "rest in peace", in Portuguese. RIP is a term used when a person dies, and is usually written on headstones in English-speaking countries.

The acronym RIP has an English translation, where the phrase "rest in peace", has exactly the same meaning, rest in peace. The acronym RIP is also common in Italian, meaning "riposi in pace" and is used for the same purpose as the expression in Latin and English.

RIP became known in other countries because people use the acronym in particular, when a famous person dies, so you can see several posters, photos, and even newspaper headlines written RIP and the name of the person who died. RIP is also seen a lot in movies, in tombs and cemeteries.


DVD Rip is a movie that has been ripped, also called ripped, which means it has been ripped. directly from the DVD, but without suffering any kind of change in quality, whether in the image, voice, translation and etc. People often make quality changes when they want a file to be less "heavy".

Games and Games RIP

RIP games were games that were copied directly from a CD or DVD, but that were changed, usually missing some music files, video, in order to reduce their size. Games that are completely ripped without changes are called Full Rip. RIP games are available for download from various websites.

RIP number

RIP stands for Patrimonial Real Estate Registry, which is a number used by the SPU, which is the Federal Heritage Service, a state agency, linked to the Ministry of Planning, which aims to establish the navy's territorial areas Brazilian.

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