Meaning of Purple Tulip (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

purple tulippurple tulip is a ornamental flower of the lily plant genus, with a solitary flower, formed by six petals, a straight stem that can reach from 30 to 60 cm tall and elongated leaves.

the purple tulip symbolizes tranquility, peace and royalty. There are more than a hundred varieties of tulips, of different colors, many of them obtained in successive crosses in the laboratory, among them, the red tulip, the black tulip, the yellow tulip, the tulip white etc.

The tulip is a plant adapted to the cold climate, being multiplied by bulbs and cultivated in late summer and early autumn. Flowering starts only in early spring and lasts between 6 and 10 days.

Tulips in Holland

The tulip originally from Turkey was taken to Holland in the 16th century by botanist Conrad Von Gesner. Bulb cultivation was easy to adapt and the tulip became the fourth largest source of income in the country.

The tulip is the symbol of Holland, it is cultivated in large gardens, which spend most of the year being prepared to be opened in spring. An example is the park “Keukenhof” “the park of the tulips”, with seven million flowers, which form large colored carpets and are visited by 800 thousand people.

Tulips in Brazil

In Brazil, Tulipa is cultivated especially in the city of Holambra, in the state of São Paulo, formed by Dutch immigrants, which has an ideal climate for growing the flower. Bulbs are imported from the Netherlands and flowers supply domestic consumption and are mainly exported to the United States.

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