Definition of Close up (What it is, Concept and Definition)

close up is an English expression, widely used in the field of photography and video recording which means a plane where the camera is too close of the person or object in question, enabling a close and detailed view.

In English close means "near" or "close", so the expression close up it can be "lock" or "close". So, close up is "close" the image capture device on some person or object. This expression reveals an approximation to something. In the audiovisual context, close up can be synonymous with closed plan or great plan.

In Portuguese, this expression is often reduced to close: For example: She is very beautiful and expressive, let's take a close-up of her to finish.

Within the scope of photography, to obtain the result with quality, the close ups must be made with suitable material. So they are usually made with a long focal length lens. Since the focus changes a lot when the camera is very close to the subject, it is often necessary to move the camera until you find the focus and sharpness you want. Currently, several digital cameras already have a functionality close up.

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