Meaning of Utopia (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Utopia is the idea of ideal, fantastic, imaginary civilization. It is a system or plan that seems unrealizable, it is a fantasy, a daydream, an illusion, a dream. From the Greek “ou+topos” meaning “place that does not exist”.

In the general sense, the term is used to denote imaginary constructions of perfect societies, in accordance with the philosophical principles of their creators. In the most limited sense, it means any social doctrine that aspires to a transformation of the existing social order, in accordance with the interests of certain groups or social classes.

Utopia was an imaginary country, the creation of Thomas Morus, English writer (1480-1535), where a government, organized in the best way, provides optimal living conditions for a balanced and happy people.

For Thomas More, utopia was a society organized in a rational way, the houses and possessions would belong to all people, who would spend their free time involved in reading and art, would not be sent to war, unless in extreme cases, so this society would live in peace and in full harmony of interests.

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