Meaning of Loyalty (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Loyalty is a feminine noun meaning the quality of someone who is loyal. It is also synonymous with loyalty, dedication and sincerity.

This word comes from the term legal, which in Latin refers to the concept of law. Initially this word designated someone who could be trusted and who fulfilled their legal obligations, or that is, someone who does not fail with their commitments, demonstrating responsibility, honesty, uprightness, honor and decency.

A loyal person is someone who is faithful and dedicated, and always keeps his promises. Ex: My best friend is the greatest example of loyalty.

loyalty and loyalty

In most cases, loyalty and loyalty are seen as synonymous. However, some authors claim that loyalty and loyalty are distinct concepts, indicating that loyalty is part of loyalty. Thus, they also claim that it is possible to be faithful and not loyal.

Many people believe that loyalty corresponds to emotional maturity, while loyalty is the result of a willingness to comply with stipulated traditions and norms. Loyalty is a matter of morals, and it is one of the foundations for a healthy relationship between two or more people.

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