Meaning of Proletariat (What it is, Concept and Definition)

The proletariat is the lowest social class that was formed within industrialized societies, the one that could offer the least resistance to the pressure exerted by the other social strata.

The proletariat is the class of the proletariat, it is the class of the workers, made up of individuals who characterized by their permanent status as employees and by their ways of life and attitudes resulting from such a situation.

Word proletarian originated among the Romans, to describe the poor citizen who was only useful to the Republic to generate “offspring” (son), who in the future would serve the Homeland. In the nineteenth century, the word proletariat came to be used to identify the class without property, the class that did not have means of production capable of generating their livelihood, needing to sell their labor power to those who had the means of production.

proletariat and bourgeoisie

The bourgeoisie is the social class that is on the opposite side of the proletariat, it is the social class, of the capitalist regime, which encompasses all groups or individuals whose interests are identify with those of capital holders, that is, traders, industrialists, bankers, landowners, holders of wealth and means of production.

proletariat and capitalism

The advent of capitalism, an economic organization in which production and distribution activities, obeying the principles of private property, free competition and profit, it brought about a division of society into two antagonistic classes, but linked by the market mechanism: that of the owners of the means of production and that of the industrial and rural.

proletariat according to Karl Marx

Karl Marx, radical critic of capitalism, who proclaimed the emancipation of humanity in a classless society, saw in the proletariat all its potential. revolutionary, as it was the class that produced all economic goods for society, being exploited, without receiving the capital compatible with the result of your job.

The expression "surplus value", created by Marx, assumes that the employer pays the worker a much smaller amount than the amount due and through this mechanism the employer generates its profit. In this way, the antagonism between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat with their opposing interests results in a relationship of the exploiter vs. the exploited.

See also

  • Bourgeoisie
  • Marxism
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