Meaning of Accessibility (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Accessibility is the qualityof what is accessible, that is, it is what is attainable, which haseasy access. It is a feminine noun that is related to what is easy to approach, treat and acquire.

Accessibility is a constant concern of architecture and urbanism. It is intrinsically linked to providing conditions for people with disabilities or mobility reduced, for the safe and autonomous use, total or assisted, of public spaces or collectives.

The right to accessibility has been promoting, through public or private bodies, several changes in the conditions of access to these spaces.

These constructions constitute ramps, the adaptation of equipment, furniture, public transport and systems and means of communication and information.

Thus, it allows people with disabilities to come closer to the services provided to the community.

Accessibility for the disabled

The accessibility offered to the disabled is governed by law. The Presidency of the Republic, through Decree No. 5.296 of December 2, 2004, regulates Law No. 10.048, of November 8, 2000, which allows:

  • The priority of serving people with disabilities and the elderly, aged over 60 years, infants and people accompanied by infants, and law 10.098 of December 19, 2000, which establishes general rules and basic criteria for the promotion of accessibility for people with disabilities or mobility reduced.

Closed caption

Closed caption is an expression in English that means closed caption. a system for broadcasting subtitles for movies, television programs or online videos. It is an essential tool for people with hearing impairments.

In Brazil, as determined by the Ministry of Communications, as of 2012, television stations began to include 12 hours of accessibility programming with closed captioning.

Web accessibility

In the area of ​​computing, there are several tools that allow the visual, hearing and motor impaired people to access the contents of the network, including: Dosvox, Virtual Vision, Sonix, Jaws, Imago Vox, PCS Comp, Anagram Comp, Sing Writing, etc.

See also the meaning of:

  • Deficiency;
  • Digital inclusion;
  • Closed Caption;
  • Urban mobility;
  • Inclusive education;
  • School inclusion.

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